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Be a part of

this mission

Make a Donation

Youth With A Mission is a non-profit missionary organization, where each member is directly responsible for raising the costs that cover their expenses. As such, we do not have a specific funding institution that finances the projects we organize and develop.

We understand that the best way to move towards fulfilling the call God has given us is to walk in partnership with people who understand this vision and decide to get involved with us in a practical way. For this reason, we invite you to become one of our investors.

Deposit account:


AG: 2212-8
C/C: 1261-0
CNPJ: 19.518.174/0001-79 (pix)
Titular: Jovens Com Uma Missão



Telephone: (31) 99272-7564 / 3358-5344

Address: Rua Geraldo de Souza Meireles, 600, Granjas Vista Alegre - Contagem

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Offerings and Contributions:

If you would like to contribute financially to our ministry, donate through Pagseguro by clicking the button below.

YWAM Contagem © 2023 - A ministry of YWAM International & University of the Nations

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